
The integration of all of the company’s activities assures top quality products and an efficient workflow.

At RUTHMANN we start the production cycle by manufacturing our very own components. Only parts of the highest quality are used in the production process.

The extremely qualified and dedicated employees and state of the art high tech engineering equipment are the basis for the precision and efficiency that RUTHMANN products are so famous for. Specially trained and certified welders convert sheet metal and profiles into intricate components. The prefabricated units are designed in such a way that they can be assembled professionally and economically.

The undisputed industry highlight is the RUTHMANN product surface finishing procedure carried out in our modern surface finishing area.  Multilayered coats of lacquer and the use of 2-K paint guarantee years of protection from the elements.

The use of the most modern application techniques, which conform to VOC standards (airless supported) and environmentally compatible 2-K paint material, help to protect the environment.

Production and assembly work results are continuously monitored and tested in order to maintain the highest quality standards. The finished product then undergoes further rigorous testing and scrutiny.
We are, of course, certified according to DIN 9001:2015 quality management standards.

Technological development is an important sub-process of the supply chain and corner stone of our commercial success.

Together with our customers worldwide, we constantly seek to improve and enhance the performance capabilities of the STEIGER®, ECOLINE and BLUELIFT. Continuous innovation helps to strengthen our technological edge and position as market leader.

The complete integration of all business activities assures absolute customer satisfaction and plays a significant role in the success of our company.


Der komplett integrierte betriebliche Ablauf aller Prozesse sorgt für uneingeschränkte Kundenzufriedenheit und ist ein bedeutender Faktor für unseren Unternehmenserfolg.